
CHI Health Vice President of Pharmacy on COVID-19 vaccine arrival in Nebraska: “It is hope in a bottle”

By News Dec 15, 2020 | 8:53 AM

OMAHA, Neb. – (KGFW) Following the FDA’s Emergency Use Approval of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine Friday, hospitals and pharmacies were awaiting the first shipment of vaccines to arrive in Nebraska. The timeline was not established but they did arrive Monday morning. CHI Health Vice President of Pharmacy Mike Tiesi shared his perspective being a part of the historic arrival.

“This is really an incredible moment in medical history. I was able to touch one of those COVID vaccine vials as we moved it from the ultra low freezers into the refrigerator so we can start the preparation process for letting it thaw and for vaccination in the next several days.”

“It is hope in a bottle, it is an early Christmas present for all of us who have been dealing with the pandemic since it started back in early February.”

Tiesi goes into detail about how the vaccine is handled.

“The vaccine has to be kept between 60 and 80 degrees below zero Celsius. Once the vaccine comes out and we open up the tray, we only have three minutes to remove that vaccine out of that tray and place the tray back into the freezer.”

“The vaccine then thaws at either 30 minutes room temperature or three hours in a refrigerator. It’s stable for five days in a refrigerator.”

“It gives us time to make sure that we can get the folks that are going to be vaccinated along with all of the processes like reconstituting the vaccine, drawing it up and making it ready for our staff to be vaccinated.”

Tiesi believes Monday will go down in history for what has been achieved medically.

“As in history wise, time will tell. I put this up as some of the most significant events in medication and vaccine history for us because it’s a gamechanger.”

Although a vaccine has arrived in the state, Tiesi will still be cautious moving forward.

“We still need to learn a lot about the vaccine but we also need to realize we’re coming into the flu season too. Caution is key and we’re not going to drop our guard at this time. We’re going to keep wearing all of the PPE necessary.”

The Pfizer vaccine is expected to arrive in the tri-city area today at CHI Health St. Francis in Grand Island and the Kearney Regional Medical Center.